Most Inspirational Moment
Riding along the coasts and cycling through Sierra Madre and country side . Visiting farm houses and being their guests in their simple houses and live style . Trinidad is a magical place and I loved the music at Casa Trova in Santiago . Cuba is colorful rich in culture, music, art , simple things that we take for granted in our countries are very precious over there !! ( an example :toilet paper, ice cream ..)
Thoughts on Group Leader
The best way to be really helpful sometimes is to be there without imposing yourself to the group ! Sometimes it's best to lessen more then talk. That's the best advise I can give him... but it was fun to meet a real Cuban, BIG ego w BIG personality and a BIG love for life, sport and WOMEN !!!
Advice for Potential Travellers
Yes, bring your anti pollution mask !! Cuba has very little traffic ,it's great for cycling but ironically the few ancient trucks and cars create a huge cloud of black smoke that get straight in to your longs , even in the middle of the country side !! Strongly recommended !