Most Inspirational Moment
Realising that I can actually cycle the distances and get up those darned hills! Its difficult to single anything out. Cycling down hill for about 13 kilometres nonstop was entertaining, and the homestay at the end of that was absolutely spectacular. The hotels we stayed in were generally very good. Every day brought new things to enjoy. We also had a brilliant group, we all got on well and encouraged each other. The food, by the way was outstanding, mostly vegetarian. I think that no one was ill with the usual tummy problems, and we ate some amazing meals, especially lunches on banana leaves in little places we would never have found by ourselves.
Thoughts on Group Leader
Seeka ( I think my spelling is wrong, apologies) was excellent, very helpful and anxious to make the most of the trip for us all. As a result everything went very smoothly. He was very entertaining and knowledgeable which was great and had endless patience. The three other guides were also great, although I must admit that I had a soft spot for the wonderful Abi, who cycled at the back of the group ( my usual place) and gave me a helping hand when I needed it!
Advice for Potential Travellers
The March trip did get very hot , about 40 degrees on a few days, which is very hot to cycle in! It was also very very humid. The trip starts of on mostly flat roads, which is good to get used to before you get to the hills, which are challenging. I took my own comfortable saddle, which I was very glad to have, as the bikes were ok, but quite heavy. Clothes that are made of modern sports fabrics that dry quickly are best, as though the hotels will do laundry there often isn't much time as most days you move on. Take plenty of pens to donate to passing children, as the "Pen, Pen" cry is often heard and it will make you very popular.