Most Inspirational Moment
Looking at the frescos in the Duomo at San Gimignano. I was blown away by the clarity of the story-telling and the beauty of the painting.
The guided tour of Sienna was excellent. There was so much packed into the three hours, included an excellent stop for coffee and cake.
Castelina where the trip was based had some interesting Etruscan tombs that, despite having no artefacts remaining, are well worth a visit.
Thoughts on Group Leader
Liz was the best driver I have come cross, ferrying us about with great efficiency. She knows the local area well so was able to fit in a quick visit to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa on the way to the airport, an unforeseen bonus. This local knowledge came in useful when suggesting things to do on our day off and during the walks, where she ensured that we were able to see lots of interesting things along the way. All together one of the best tour guides I have met.
Advice for Potential Travellers
The walking is a little hilly, but someone with a reasonable level of fitness will not find it a problem. There are a lot of mosquitos about (and we were there late in the season) so come prepared with repellent etc. Castelina, where the trip is based, is a town well worth exploring, the Etruscan tombs are more interesting than you might think. The archaeological museum is small, but worth a visit, as the entrance fee includes being able to go to the top of the tower, where there are some excellent views.
If you like ice-cream be sure to visit the gelateria in town, it is very good.