Most Inspirational Moment
The single most inspirational part of the trip was in Havana on the first day of cycling. As we rode through a suburb of the city, I saw a group of lads cross the road ahead of our group (15 plus ride leader). They ran up the line of cyclists cheering and 'High Fiving' us as we passed by. This set the tone for the rest of the tour: we were greeted cheerfully wherever we went, by young and old alike. Kids standing in their gardens, farmers ploughing their fields, even a gang of workmen erecting overhead power lines, all stopped and said Ola as we cycled past.
Thoughts on Group Leader
Our group leader (Maurice Galvez) was probably the best your leader I've had the pleasure to accompany, ever! He explained everything in detail, helped us when help was needed and sorted out problems with an ease that belied the complexity of it. All in all, an utterly reliable and charming leader and tour guide.
Advice for Potential Travellers
Heat: August is really hot and humid - drink lots of water and pop a few canisters of soluble sports hydration tablets in your luggage to maintain your electrolyte levels. Hydration tablets are unobtainable in Cuba, so take enough for the duration, working on 4 tabs a day! (Dioralyte performs much the same function, but tastes horribly salty).
Sun: Pack plenty of sport orientated (waterproof) Spf50 sun screen in your luggage. I didn't and suffered!
Drugs: A couple of packs of Immodium or similar anti diahorrhoea tablets are essential, everyone (bar one) got the trots during the fortnight. Nobody knows why, it didn't follow any particular pattern, it may have been a dodgy ice cube, or the heat, or poor hygiene standards in kitchens, who knows?
Money: Allow a minimum of 30 to 50 CUCs per person per day for incidental expenses - not every meal is included in the tour and you'll need some for tips and optional trips too. There are very few ATMs in Cuba and fewer still that work and fewer still that have an English language option to guide you. Change your cash early and make sure that you have enough for the next few days!
Pollution: Virtually no vehicles in Cuba have clean emissions. Most are remarkably smoky. Be prepared!