Most Inspirational Moment
There is no one favourite bit - so much of it was so memorable. Delicious fat creamy oysters, the lionesses and 2 cubs plus the white rhinos on a night drive at Etosha, the Etosha pan itself, a herd of 30 elephants at a water hole, the dunes, the scenic flight over Sossusvlei and the coast (even if the first hour was spent desparately trying not to throw up), the beautiful embroidery, the stars (we had a new moon in the middle of the trip), the birds, the banter, the joy of hot cleansing showers almost every day.
Thoughts on Group Leader
Sam was great - very experienced, patient and knowledgeable. Jonas is an excellent cook and we had a good variety of food cooked on open fires - even a birthday cake, not to mention his almost encyclopedic knowledge of birds. And finally, Ya, who made up the triumverate, allowing tents to be erected and lunch ready within an hour. All unfailingly good humoured and helpful.
Advice for Potential Travellers
For anyone considering taking this trip - do it - you won't be disappointed.