Most Inspirational Moment
The Walk of the Gods! I'm not a walker as a rule, so I approached this with some trepidation. But it was brilliant - great weather, in fairness (it would have been a different story had it been raining); stunning scenery; lovely villages - and, of course, good company. Walking shoes essential, although there were only one or two slightly dicey bits. I got away with walking sandals on this trek, but when climbing Vesuvius they were a definite disadvantage.
Thoughts on Group Leader
Eduardo was very good - patient and always helpful. I picked up some good tips on viticulture from him!
Advice for Potential Travellers
Bomerano is high up on the mountain. We went in May, when the forecast was for sunny weather throughout, with temperatures rising to 30c. But the village was always on the cool side - the forecast was for the coast, hundreds of feet below us. And one day it rained (how it rained!) - yet the day turned out to be lovely as we passed through the mountain and down to sea level. So - seriously consider taking warm clothing.We were less impressed than others with the hotel food. The staff are lovely, and the pizza-making and pasta-cooking demos interesting (we learned a lot), but we found far better (tastier) food in local restaurants, which were notably full of locals.